CityCountyXRef.info is a simple, city-county cross reference resource. The site allows the user to identify the county in which a city is located. CityCountyXRef.info also provides links to other political geography reference sites, and to services which users may have interest in.

CityCountyXRef.info is a service of Probus Research. Probus Research has provided public record research services in the San Francisco Bay Area since 1985. Probus Research is expanding its products and services to include nationwide document retrieval, such as BirthCertificate.com, public record service directories, including Corpfile.com, and governmental reference portals, such as CorpQuery.com.

We aim to keep this reference site useful and accurate. Please e-mail comments, corrections and suggestions to commune@probusresearch.com.



CityCountyXRef.info is a Service of Probus Research
601 Van Ness Avenue, Suite #E
San Francisco, CA 94102